Saturday, May 22, 2010

1:16 AM

I remember when I didn't know 1:16 AM existed.

I remember when 1:16 AM was a curfew I'd never have.

I remember when 1:16 AM meant the night was still young.

I remember when 1:16 AM meant I was going to see the sun rise because I had a deadline at 9 AM.

I remember when 1:16 AM meant we were just putting in our third movie for the all night marathon.

I remember when 1:16 AM meant a diaper change, another feeding, more rocking and lots of praying that you didn't wake up the other sleeping child(ren).

I am now listening to the ceiling fan, my husband snore and frogs croaking non-stop. I'm milking this time to myself while I think about what I'd like to do later today... when I wake 6 hours...which is going to come too soon.

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